June 10, 2011 Mitchell Lake, Eden Prairie

Temperature: 68 degrees, sunny, some clouds, light
Shoreline: Houses
Time: 2 hour paddle for 2 of the 3 bays

Nearest Town:  Eden Praire
Lake Size:  ____ Acres, maximum depth of __ ft.
Lake Access:  Miller Park, concrete, good access
Bathroom: Satellite within walking distance
Parking: At launch site

Mitchell Lake is behind Miller Park and Dunn Brothers.  It's just two miles South of Todd's.  It has a good launch. There a multiple fingers of bays.  Mostly calm water that afternoon.  Pontoons with 9.9 motors. Can't water ski. Nice for us 
kayakers.!! Best features are: it's close, no skiers, bays are fun.

Concert Launch


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