June 4, 2011 Parley Lake

Temperature: 75 degrees, sunny
Shoreline: Few houses, couple of farms around the lake
Time: 3 hour paddle for 2 of the 3 bays

Nearest Town:  St. Bonifacius
Lake Size:  ____ Acres, maximum depth of __ ft.
Lake Access:  West side, went through marsh tunnel to Mud Lake
Bathroom: Satellite, icky
Parking: At launch site

Gorgeous 3 hour paddle.  Drove by Parley Lake Winery - highly recommend!! It's North/East of the winery, down a dirt/gravel road. The public launch isn't easy to find.  There is a decent concrete launch and dock. Pulled the kayaks off the truck.  That took about 2 minutes.  Loaded the gear and lunch in the kayaks. 

You know your at Parley!!
Paddled past the Crown College beach and watched a dad teaching his kids how to fish.  We ate a picnic lunch, on the lake, off the beach.  Came to a marshy area.  Lots of tunnels through the grass.  Kept trying a bunch of different paths, dead ends.  Disturbed many GIGANTIC carp sleeping in the quiet waters.  Ready to give up, thinking there were miles of marsh land, when suddenly a turn to the left and one to the right and whala!! there was another lake. OM!!! We were so excited. Just a small round lake with only a couple of houses. But it was ours. Todd originally called it Debbie Lake.  Later we found out it's called Mud Lake and connected to Six Mile Creek. 

Lovely view of the shore. Awwww.

Todd tried fishing, no luck.  Except for a bright red sunburn (Todd), it was an awesome paddle.  Maybe 10 fishing boats.

Debbie had to use the satellite 
- really wish I hadn't.



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